Attorney Mel Mitchell was born in Florida and lived in Cuba for his first few years. He speaks fluent Spanish. He lived on the Island of Antigua in the British West Indies then in the Bahamas and eventually settled in Los Angeles California where he lives and works today. He attended the University of California at Santa Cruz earning a degree in Psychology. He went to the University of West Los Angeles School of Law earning a Juris Doctor degree and became an Attorney. He has successfully practiced law for many years!
    Over the years of practice he noticed that the big and busy firms seemed to lose the personal touch in their relations with clients. Attorney Mel maintains a personal caring for his clients. He cares about people. Every one of them deserves the best. In order to deliver this quality personal legal care to as many people as possible he created "AttorneyMel.Com" Personal Legal Assistance. It's purpose is to provide personal care and guidance to the client for the highest quality legal services. At any time during the course of your case you can Call Mel and speak to him personally about what's going on..... That's right! You can just "Call Mel" 
Contact Attorney Mel
(310) 936-0373

"Just Call Mel"